How to Tube Feed a Kitten

Tube feeding is not for the faint at heart. When done right, it is a lifesaver. But if done incorrectly, it can kill. To tube feed, you are inserting a tube down the kittens throat into it’s stomach. Kittens should receive 1cc per 1oz of body weight every 3-4 hours (7 feedings per day).

Before you can tube feed, you need the proper tube. I prefer the 3.5Fr size clear tubes, but I have used a 5Fr size. Be sure to rinse with water immediately after using to keep it from getting clogged. And always test it for clogs prior to inserting. (Learned that the hard way.)

  1. Measure and mark the tube. You need to indicate on the tube how far it needs to be inserted. Hold the tube against the kitten as if you were tube feeding (but on the outside) The tip should be at or just past the last rib. Mark where the tube reaches the nose with a permanent marker. You will insert the tube to this point.
  2. Heat your formula so it is 100°F (body temperature).
  3. Wrap the kitten in a towel to restrain it. Even newborn kittens can reach out and snag the tube and pull it from their mouth.
  4. Dip the end of the tube in formula to moisten it. Draw the formula into the syringe and attach the tube. Make sure you draw up a little more than you plan on feeding.
  5. Press on the syringe so the milk is in the tube before inserting it.
  6. Insert the tube with the kitten’s chin down. Insert diagonally across the mouth so the tube goes down the left side. (You go from the right side of the mouth to the left side of the throat.) Continue inserting until you hit the mark.
  7. Pinch to cause the kitten to vocalize before feeding. If the tube is placed correctly, the kitten will be able to vocalize with the tube inserted. (Source)
  8. Slowly press the syringe to insert the formula into the kitten’s stomach. When finished, slowly remove the tube.