How to Treat Fleas on Kittens

As someone who often deals with ringworm, fleas are one of my biggest enemies. I have gotten very good at dealing with them quickly and effectively. My adult cats and adult fosters are treated monthly with Revolution. But for kittens under 8 weeks of age,...

How to Identify Ringworm Glow

One of the fastest way to identify feline ringworm is to look for glowing hairs using a Wood’s Lamp or blacklight. A Wood’s Lamp is a blacklight with a UV spectrum 320 to 400 nm wavelength. Your blacklight should have a similar wavelength and be...

Is this Feline Ringworm?

A few years ago, I started a Facebook page called Ringworm Cats and Kittens. The goal was to provide quality information about ringworm. I am frequently contacted by people sending me pictures asking “is this ringworm?” While it’s impossible to accurately diagnose ringworm without doing...